
Monday 14 March 2016

The Covered Market

The Covered Market in Oxford opened in 1774 in an effort to clear the streets of untidy & messy market stalls in the city. It is locate between High Street and Market Street and between Cornmarket Street & Turl Street. The main entrances are off High Street & Market Street with four entrances from each street.

 These are a couple of entrances, on the left with the tourists in one of them on High Street   and the second  is the Golden Cross entrance on Cornmarket

 You come on off Cornmarket though here

Coming in off the High Street like we did you see this view

Yeas ago there would have been butchers shops and other produce markets here, now it's cafes and restaurants

There are also a few gift shops like this one selling hand made purses

This was one I liked as it sold produce to grow in your garden including seeds

I loved the name of this shop, and the other one a little further along

I was not sure what this one was till I read the name in the photo, It's an Ice Cream Parlour


A cake shop and was selling individual Mothers day cakes, Yummy, lucky Mummy

I'd seen the small guitars in London but Oxford went one better selling the drum kits as well. I thought they were great

Think this is the central part of the Market

With the red Pillar type Post box

I hope you enjoyed your little tour of Oxford Covered Market, there is more to it and usually more crowded but it was early on Sunday Morning. The place is worth a visit even if it is not the same as it used to be but it does get crowded later in the day.


  1. Best time to visit if you want to get any decent photos. I remember it for all the fresh produce on the stalls, how times have changed.

  2. Gosh, it looks much better in your photographs :-)
    You managed to find a quiet time. Well done this series.


  3. Wonderful photographic visit ~ fascinating place and great shots!

    Happy Week to you ~ ^_^

  4. Beautiful photos and interesting history about them.

  5. I did enjoy this tour. I may have walked through here some 10 years or so ago. I remember a covered market area but, I'm not sure it's the same one.

  6. Whimsical "nothing" names- and ice cream sounds good!


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