
Tuesday 29 March 2016

A Walk on Christmas Common

I took my wife up to a place called Christmas Common just outside Watlington one morning, I thought it would be nice to take a picnic along as it was a nice sunny day the only down side it was bitterly cold. Neither of us had been here before though we had driven near by many times.

The carpark is in a wooded area

and you walk off along a path through the trees

Before coming to the National Trust path leading to Watlington Hill which is regarded as Christmas Common. It was here the reintroduced Red Kites that had once been extinct back to the area in 1989. Needless to say it was successful

One of the first sights I noticed was this view of Watlington, then a Red Kite flew past

 One of the sights the area is famous for

I looked back across to where the Watlington Gap would be (M40) which is the other side of the far hill 

Ahead we had the common to walk along

At the end of where we wanted to go I looked down on the town of  Watlington  and took the above stitch photo before starting to head back the way we came

Looking over at the wonderful views you got. Just ashame it was hazy
 soon we were back looking along the common and headed off for a welcome hot coffee

 But not before watching about 9 Red Kites flying around. I might add after getting home we spotted 10 of them flying around near our house.


  1. A beautiful area. I love the kites. They're handsome birds.

  2. lovely scenes. I remember this from my orienteering days too. There was no time to enjoy the landscape whilst running to the next clipping point.

  3. A wonderful place to walk, and love seeing those kites. Beautiful.

  4. Quite a wonderful place to have a ramble about.

  5. Beautiful image of a kite in flight :)


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