
Tuesday 22 September 2015

Picnic by the Mine

On Friday I showed this photo of a valley where we had a roadside picnic. Well I thought you might like to see where we had been to start with.

One of the first places we stopped was for me to get a photo of this new bridge over the Afon Elan
It replaces this old bridge which had become unsafe so it was fenced off and people used a bailey bridge to cross the river

The Bailey bridge had been there as long as I had been coming to the area, the last two photos were taken in 2008. I don't think I will miss the noise of driving across the old Bailey Bridge

While I was there getting mu photo's I noticed these guys photographing things. I'll comeback again sometime when they are not around

The first photo I took was near here, an old lead mine. I'll show more in my other blog
 I stopped off on the way back to get a photo of the source of the Afon Elan which I thinks here

and while I was walking back this came rumbling past empty (his mate was behind) they were the reason the old bridge was blocked off. Imagine them trundling past full up with tree trunks. I might add it is not uncommon to me them on the roads which are single track round here
I'll leave you with this Stitch photo showing the Elan source it flows off to the left. 
Taking part in Our World Tuesday


  1. Great photos and the scenery is magnificent! BUT what really intrigues me is that the new bridge is also made with that lovely arch!

  2. Nice shots. I've never tried stitching shots. Must learn how.
    Please drop by

  3. Love seeing these photos and the new bridge. Beautiful!

  4. Beautiful!!! But where is this bridge???

  5. The area looks beautiful. I do like that new bridge.

  6. Beautiful place! The new bridge is pretty. It's built in a kind of old style.


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