
Monday 28 September 2015

Mapledurham Mill

Thought I would show a few more photos of my when my wife & I visited Mapledurham. Mainly the mill which was used in the film The Eagle Has Landed, it was also on the cover of the Black Sabbath Album

The mill has changed little in century's and still produces flour. It used to have two water wheels turning mills. One has been taken out of service and you can see where it used to turn the mills
 And the chute that took the milled flour into the sacks underneath

 Opposite you can see the gears turning the mills above at a terrifying rate

There are two mill wheels turning inside the covers and fed by the small hopper on top

Nearby you can see some of mill wheels

And if you go outside you can see what took the water wheels place, and Archimedes screw  that makes electicity for the house and village. At the time of the visit it was turned off as the Thames was low. The mill sells gifts and you can also get some of the local flour to make you own bread with.
Hope you enjoyed the little tour, I'll leave you with a view of the mill from the island it sands on.
Taking Part in Our World Tuesday


  1. Wonderful post and excellent photography of the historical mill ~ Love it!

    Happy Week to you,
    artmusedog and carol

  2. How utterly charming!

  3. Nice shots! I like old mills!

  4. Very cool!
    I hope you'll come link up at

  5. I love seeing these old mills still producing flour as they did hundreds of years ago. I am sure we should be making more use of water as a source of energy.

  6. That was a fun tour, Bill. Thanks for sharing. My estimation of Black Sabbath just went up a bit, knowing that it used this mill as a background for its cover. :-)
    Take 25 to Hollister

  7. It looks well cared for. It's been awhile since I last read the book or saw the movie.

  8. Interesting to see photos from inside the old mill.


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