
Thursday 13 August 2015

Francine's & Prunella's A-Z of their garden. (Part One A-M)

A is for Apple Blossom...

                               Swinging from the branches.

B is for Blueberries...

                                Mmm... delicious.

C is for Canary Bird rose...

 The yellow matches Francine's hair. 

D is for Daffodil & Daisy...


                                             Daisy chain for Prunella's hair.

E is forEnergy...

The Busy Bee's endless energy buzzing around Francine & Prunella's garden collecting pollen.


F is for Forget me not...

     Love is precious, make time for one another.

G is for Garden party...


Cream teas are delicious especially when shared with friends

H is for Hibiscus Blue Bird...

The blue matches Prunella's dress perfectly.

I is for Iris...

Their flowers bloom in the most amazing colours.

J is for Jaws...

The jaws from the endangered Stag Beetle. Prunella was lucky to spot both Mr & Mrs Stag Beetle. Such an honour.

K is for Kevin...

Francine was pleasantly suprised one day by a visit from Kevin.

L is for Lilac...


This photo ended up in Francine having a bath due to falling from a great hight into a muddy puddle!!


& then hung out to dry! 


M is for Moon...


Goodnight from Francine & Prunella.
They will return shortly with Part Two N to Z.

Thank you for your visit.
Have a great day.

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