
Monday 27 July 2015

Swans & Ducks at Mottisfont

A few weeks ago my wife & I visited a place called Mottisfornt and while there we walked the nearby grounds and mill stream. Along it we noticed a pair of swans and on the way back ducks, here are a few of the photos of what we saw. If you want to see more from the Blog on Mottisfont then click the link

You can't help notice the ducks when you walk into the gardens

Or the swans for that matter

I should have said swan & cygnets

but dad was not far away
But better to hang out with Mum

She makes a nice cosy bed 

to snuggle down in
or watch the world go by

Not the same being a Duck

Mum watches you
 and you have to snuggle down together 

Mind you Dad keeps and eye on things

and Mum is not far away.
Taking Part in Our World Tuesday.


  1. Those ducklings and cygnets look very cosy snuggling down with their siblings and mums.

  2. Love all the photos! ~ Swans seem to take special care of their little ones ~ as do the ducks but in a different way ~ Wonderful series of shots!

    Happy Week to you,
    artmusedog and carol

  3. I love the swans, ducks and their babies, great series! Have a happy new week ahead!

  4. Lovely creatures indeed. I think a swan is so romantic and quiet. And the ducks are cute and playful.

  5. Neat series of shots.
    Thanks for posting here, and I hope you'll come by this week's linkup:

  6. Neat the ducks and I enjoyed the Swan and her Young babies.

  7. A wonderful series of photos. So lovely to see those young ducks and swans, and their attentive parents.

  8. Beautiful captures! I think that's the same kind of swan we have here on the Rideau River.


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