
Tuesday 19 May 2015

Moutain Bike Race

While at my Favorite campsite the other day I noticed there was a round of the British mountain bike championship being held there. Lots of people on bike around though on the first day I had other things to do so only say fleeting glances of the races as they went along the hillside. On Sunday I was amazed at the noise fist thing in the morning, it sounded like hundreds of bees swarming around as cyclists warmed up on Turbo trainers (missed getting a photo of that) but a little later I took one of the dogs for a walk before we left for home and went to the start of one of the races to watch. This is what I saw.

 This the area where all teams and support were based

 looking over to the events arena

and over to the left is the start

Turned out it was one of the women's rounds this is where they lined up into the group they were racing in

and this is them all at the start
  This is the start as the novice group races off

and round the back from the first bend

then into the second one

looking back to the fist bend and the second group

here they go round the second bend
jostling for position. They head up the hill you see behind which I might add is quite steep and wears you out walking up, you can see people going up the hard way. I left after this only wish I had brought my DSLR and long lens down to take some better photos, still maybe next time.
Taking Part in Our World Tuesday


  1. Looks like it was a fun event!

  2. A big mountain bike race comes to our town every summer. They camp at our seaside park and ride the trails for several days. Then the tour moves on to a different section of the coast. - Margy

  3. Quite a setting for such a race- and no doubt tough on the participants.


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