
Tuesday 31 March 2015

Return to the Vyne

The Vyne in Hampshire dates back to roman times and before no doubt but is more Famous now for the Tudor Mansion that is there.  Now I have visited the place before but as it was crowded that day my wife & I decided we would return to the place and see the place with less kids running around.You can see my previous visit in the link at the top.

 This is the Vyne with the main entrance drive leading to it
 Wider view of the drive

Remember I said Tudor Mansion
the date on the tank is 1696

Probably not Tudor but still this down pipe I collector is really old

 This is the coat of arms over the door to the Kings Bedchamber it belongs to Henry VIII as he visited a couple of times

 And no doubt went to mass in this chapel
 and the glass here is 15th century
 The Hundred Guinea Tree, named as the Royal Navy  offered the owner 100 guineas for it, the fact it is still here my tell you his answer

 Daffodils  coming out along the walk to the house

I'll leave you with a view of what my wife & I came to see, it's called the Cursed Ring of Silvianus but it was the ring that inspired Lord of the Rings. Read the link it tells the story better than me.
Taking part in Our World Tuesday


  1. Lovely shots. Looks like a marvellous place. That ring is pretty amazing too.

  2. So cool about the ring! Thanks for sharing that.

  3. And that ring is something else!

  4. Great to know about the ring Bill - I'm amazed I'd never heard of it before. Many thanks :)


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