
Tuesday 20 January 2015

Oxford Day Out

On this little trip to Oxford I took my wife for afternoon tea for her Birthday Treat and while we were there took in a few of the famous places round the city. Here are a few photos from the day.

We wandered up New Inn Hall Street past this building
 How about that clock then

I'd seen this building many times but never realised the history behind it
John Wesley Preached here in 1783 making it the first Methodist meeting house in Oxford

next was first treat of the day. My wife never had a Krispy Kreme till I bought her one with a coffee, bad move she loved it, apart from when we went to sit in Bonn Square to eat them we were bothered by some charity so we found a quiet seat along St Ebbes Street away from them.

Next was off to M&S for a quick look at the clothes and Christmas tat well my wife likes looking at clothes and we had not been here in a while
 Now it you look over near the lift you can see this

The original boundary stone from the parishes 

Which was a few yards away and is marked with this cross in the floor. The still beat the bounds and this one of them

Next on the list was this place the Carfax Tower which is the remains of the parish church that was here

Here is the plaque at the base of the Tower
 and this is looking down from the top of the tower

across to the high street
You can see some of the views in this blog  and this one

Just in case you can't be bothered checking the two links this is what you see from the tower

After we started to walk to the next place ans saw these buskers along Cornmarket Street

 We took a route past the covered market off Cornmarket Street

 Then past the Radcliffe camera which is a mini St Paul's

walked past the Bodleian Library

and the Bridge of Sighs  which I had never seen even though I used to be in Oxford a lot as a youngster

The Oxford University Museum was next on the list and we had a hour wandering round it (I'll show it in another blog)
Then it was off to Tea at the Old Parsonage , what do you think?

After tea we headed home and passed under this tree, that is Mistletoe you see growing and you know what you do under that

We came out on St Giles near this place which is where C S Lewis and his mate J RR Tolkien used to meet up for a jar

That's enough for now as I don't want to bore you. I'll do another couple of blogs from Oxford in the future. Taking Part in Our World Tuesday


  1. Great shots, Bill. But was this your birthday treat, or your wife's?!

    1. It was my Wife's Birthday, kept her gessing all day

  2. Impressive buildings and some lovely shots.

  3. What a treat! I truly loved this. Mummy was an Anglophile but she never spoke of Oxford. She worked in London during WWII. I watch several Brit shows that take me to Oxford (in my head). Thank you for the lovely time and tea.

  4. It's been over ten years since I visited Oxford so I loved every single one of these photos. And the treats for the birthday tea look scrumptious. I'd say you found the perfect place for a lovely tea.

  5. That tea looks delicious. What a treat. Lots to explore in Oxford so I would say a very successful birthday outing.

  6. Beautiful old buildings! Looks like you had a delicious tea time.

  7. Good choice of place for afternoon tea, it's exactly what I bought my Parents for Christmas last year - small world! I now live on the other side of the world but remember with fondness my own Oxford days (sadly working not studying!) so have really enjoyed this post.
    Wren x

    1. So do I. Spent 10 years working at Osney and ironicly I knew a bloke who's name wa s Wren how worked there as well

  8. 'Bridge of sighs' that is amazing. All of them. We should get over across the pond to see it all!

  9. I miss exploring Oxford when I could get the train from Reading. I enjoyed the tour especially the views from the top of the Carfax Tower which I haven't done for decades! A birthday tea after that must have been welcome for you and your wife! Looks delicious.

  10. That is quite a tour, Bill! I thtink the view from the top of the Carfax is stunning!


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