
Tuesday 6 January 2015

European Space Agency Building

You may have noticed that I tend to follow the  construction of buildings which have been going on near where I work. I featured one a few weeks ago well this building has been going up at the same time and is for the European Space Agency. Different methods were used if you copare the two. This is a timeline to it's present state

A week or so before the start archeological digs were done

Fencing was erected

then tower cranes and site offices and the first concrete poured

By this stage I realised I did not need to pan the camera and stitch two photos with the first floors going in
More floors and workers
Getting higher

And higher still

Thats it for the floors

Crane is gone and the finishing off and fitting out begins. I'll bring an update of the finished building later this year.
Taking Part in Our World Tuesday


  1. Watching the progression of construction is amazing to me. When the project is finished, it's hard to believe it was never there.


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