
Monday 17 November 2014

Remembrance day Parade

On remembrance day I went to Newbury  with my wife. Like many other towns & villages up and down the country it had it's parade which I went along to watch. It's the first time I have seen one in a long time

 After the service the parade started with the Royal British Legion

Next up seem to be the church choir as that was were they were off to next,they were followed by the town council and mayor who were walking slower than a funeral procession

 These two guys were ex forces and were barking out orders you could hear in the next town

another shot of the mace bearers

The Veterans part of the parade

Hero's from the past

and a few of the more able bodied still marching on

just like they were still in the forces

Sargent's at Arms

The Army marches through

Later after the church service the army marched down Northbrook Street taking a salute from a Senior officer as they went by.
Taking part in Our World Tuesday


  1. "Heroes from the past" indeed. It looks like a good crowd gathered, too, in appreciation. I'm glad you photographed it for us!

  2. There has been something of a revival in the way mark Remembrance Day. A good thing too for the young generation.

  3. It's heartening to see these parades and ceremonies persist each year. We do likewise all across Canada. It's important that each generation learns about and honours those who have served.

  4. You captured a lot of nice photos of the event. I always like seeing the "heros".

  5. Terrific shots. And some of the same traditions are carried out here on November 11th.


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