
Sunday 19 October 2014

Oh What a Lovely War

This weeks Mural is a bit of an ad for the Sinoden Players in Wallingford. I was asked to take some photos of the actors by the Producer of the show (well my son volunteered me) and who was I to turn the chance.  The show is on from the 20th - 25th of October and my son is one of the actors in the show. Tomorrows Our World Tuesday I will show some internal views of the Theater and a few from the Dress Rehearsal.

The Corn Exchange in Wallingford Market Place which is now a Theatre and where the Sinoden Players are based. Agatha Christie was a past patron

The main poster for for the show outside the Theatre. Break a Leg Guys.
Taking Part in Monday Mural
PS I just realised this is my 600th post


  1. How fun that your son is in the play. I am a huge theatre fan and did my share of acting in my school days. I loved it! Break a leg!

  2. You definitely couldn't turn down an opportunity like this Bill.. I'm very happy that the Corn Exchange is being used in such an entertaining way. Looking forward to seeing how it's been refurbished inside. Hope the first night was a brilliant success!

  3. Neat!!! Tom The Backroads Traveller

  4. Monday Mural is proud to carry your 600th post. Sounds like both pop and son are proud of one another. Thanks for contributing to this week's Monday Mural.


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