
Monday 25 August 2014

A Welsh View

A couple of weeks ago I was in Wales with my wife and we went out for a short drive, after seeing a sign pointing to what looked an interesting place we ended up in a carpark of sorts on top of a hill. This was the view I saw when I got out of the car.

The village you see here is called Llandegley

The Hill here is Llandegley Rocks you can see the whole view of the area we saw from the hill in the photo below

Taking Part in Our World Tuesday


  1. Very panoramic shots of a beautiful vista ~ wonderful post for OWT ~

    artmusedog and carol (A Creative Harbor)

  2. That's a gorgeous view!

  3. Beautiful countryside Bill - thank you so much for sharing.

  4. Oh Bill, these photos are just wonderful. Such a beautiful view. That hill made me think of a movie I saw years ago called "The Englishman who Went up a Hill But Came Down a Mountain". I loved that movie even though it didn't get the best reviews. I also loved the music from it and even bought the soundtrack.
    So you were a Trekkie! Me too! I was thrilled to meet George Takei and even more thrilled to have dinner with him after the event. It was truly an evening to remember. I did get his autograph, he signed one of his books for me.

  5. It's so lush and beautiful there. Quite a feast for the eyes. Here in California the land is parched and brown, and not a hint of rain on the horizon.

  6. What a gorgeous scene! I've never been to Wales - yet!


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