
Monday 28 October 2013

The Bomb Store

This is a view of part of the old RAF Harwell site, the road you see is part of the airfield perimeter road and just past the grass stripped area is the old Bomb Store where the bombs were kept in bunkers during the war. When the UKAEA took over it was used to store stuff like old radioactive material. When it was realised what was there it was cleared and decontaminated, to top that the building you see is the local school so great care had to be taken. The stripped area is where a archaeological dig was done and Bronze age round houses were found along with a roman building.

A few months later it looked like this 
This was the beginnings of a housing estate that was being built, I meant to go back at intervals to update the  progress  but never did. I noticed the houses were going up from the office I work out of so I popped up for an update and this is how it looks now.
Taking part in Our World Tuesday



  1. ....time goes by !!

    Very interesting photos !

    Have a nice day...

    Best regards

  2. How interesting to watch as war turns to peace and sweet everyday life goes on . . . .

  3. I think Cynthia said it all. :)

    1. I think it is called progress or some devloper wanting to make money

  4. I'm trying to imagine what it might be like to live over an archeological dig like that. I guess we all live over the homes and bones of someone else's time.

    1. Your right about that, a little while ago some one was digging some footings and came across some bones, turned out they were from a cemetery of a lost church. They put a lintel over them and finished building. The bones are safe where they were found. Not sure what happened to the archeology in the place in my photo though I do know they found a few practice bombs.

    2. I do think that some places should be held sacred. Reminds me a bit of a line from a Joni Mitchell song,
      They put all the trees in a tree museum
      And charged the people a dollar and a half just to see 'em.

      There's seven billion of us on the planet. We take up a lot of space. I am always sentimental about the things that came before me.

  5. Kind of scary living on top of all that. - Margy

    1. Knowing what was there I think I would as well

  6. Seems kind of sad really... what is lost can never ever be replaced and with so many derelict/empty sites in cities in the UK it just feels wrong to build these kind of estates.


    1. Yes and along the road from here the old RAF houseing is sat there boarded up and empty

  7. Isn't that amazing? I visited a dig once nearby. Nothing as old as this. We dreamed of visiting the UK, but I don't know if this will happen.

    1. No worry I did take photos, I'll post a couple sometime

  8. Hari OM
    ....Hmmmm, not convinced at the idea of decontamination of radioactives!! Bet that never turns up in the sales 'gumph'. Difficult as it is to see such places developed, I guess it is part of the very history we are making. Housing is required. Only the stuff built now is unlikely to last well enough for the archaeologists of the 51st century to excavate &*} YAM xx

    1. They dug down 4 meters clearing the ground, I feel a bit sad I did not see it before they flattened it. Behind where I am stood are two old reactors which are decomissioned

    2. ...goodness... is it this place? Seems yonder buildings are a "business park". Yx

    3. Thats the place, they demolished the RAF Hanger it was in as well more is the shame. I work next door, you will see the place on Friday


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