
Monday 21 October 2013

Smoke over Sidney

Today I'm going to show a couple of photos taken by someone else my friend Dave Barber who who started me off into SLR photography by letting me borrow his camera way back in the late 1970s. I used to work with Dave back at Oxford Instruments before he emigrated with his family to Australia. He is still a keen photographer and quite regularly send me some of his work just to show he is still better than me.
The two photos show the smoke blowing over the area he lives and comes from 150 miles away.

 It's hard to believe this is smoke and not a storm cloud

 The temp is over 30c and more than 200 homes have been lost in this. My thanks to David for letting me show his photos
Taking Part in Our World Tuesday


  1. I have been watching the scenes from the Blue mountains on the TV. It is horrific to see how quickly it spreads and the devastation it leaves in its wake. It was this time last year that I was over there enjoying beautiful blue skies and ideal temperatures. Not so now.

    1. Wow you are well traveled, I have never been there more is the pity

  2. . . . and so the tragedy continues as contingents from Victoria and South Australia are on their way to augment the exhausted fire fighters as the as yet worst day looms to-morrow. Having been through it and lost everything, my heart goes out to those standing in what they happened to be wearing on the day. Our turn will come again in South Australia either this summer or next. It has been 30 years since our really big one.

    1. I can only wish you well and hope things turn out ok for you

  3. Replies
    1. It does but think how it is the the people there.

  4. Hari Om
    Hey Bill - from Sydney (North), and I can vouch for the dreadful pall of smoke. Nasty for us asthmatics too... Thank you for sharing this. Very hard to describe to folk, so pictures are essential. The smell is another thing altogether...YAM xx

    1. You know I forgot there would be a smell of smoke, somthing a picture cannot give

  5. Calling by from Our World Tuesday, I have not been around the blogging world much recently, so really pleased to be here. This situation is so sad, have been following on the news.

    1. Thanks for visiting. Yes it is sad and somthing you don't think (about other than seeing it on the news) till your firend send a photo then you knowit's real and affecting people

  6. This is a sad report about the occasion in Australia. Hope, the have help enough.
    Good photos ! Best regards, Synnöve

  7. That looks really bad and it might be hard for some to breathe.

  8. Wow, amazing clouds of smoke, and how frightening and destructive the fires must be!

    1. Yes can't think what it must be like to be there

  9. Those are beautiful photos of the drama taking place. You are right. The smokes does look like clouds. I hope the fires have stopped.

  10. We had fires here in the Sierra foothills and mountains this summer. All is quiet now, but we did have smoky skies for a while. Fortunately, it was never quite as thick or foreboding as these smoky sky photos. I hope the air clears there as quickly as possible.

    1. So do I but I have not heard any more from my friend of late about it

  11. How horrible. Can one breath with such alot of heavy smoke?

    1. I assume so as it looks hight I think it just smells of smoke or the photo would be more foggy than clear


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