
Friday 3 May 2013

A to Z Reflections

I'm relatively new to blogging  and use it as a way of showing the photographs I take. I started off doing a Blog called Spuds Rural Explorations followed quickly by Forgotten Fairmile progressing to My Grave Place. This Blog was inspired from hydedaily blogspot. I thought I could post a different photo each day no problem the A to Z Challenge was just the thing to join along with and along with the encouragement of  The Daily Dose I joined the challenge. I took the advice offed visited blogs and since then I have found other Bloggers from all round the world to follow. Many now follow me and leave comments. There was one thing I felt lacking and that was finding other phographer blogs, I feel the groups could have been placed together so make finding what you wanted to look at easy, face it there were a look of blogs entering.
I feel a few other blogs should be mentions now.
A foreign land I had been to Chicago and loved seeing how the place had changed.
D.J Kirkby. one of the writers who's blog I liked reading
Take25 to Hollister a place I had never heard of but now like reading about.
My Bliss Who educated me in Latin
Tropical Territory where I found out about Australia down under.
Strong Foundations one of the genealogy blogs I follow from down under
All the blogs I have visited gave me encouragement to  carry on with what I do and i am grateful to all the people who visit and leave comments and I look forward to the next Challenge.
I will leave you with a link to another blog of mine which  tracks the progression of the new Village Hall that is being built near where I live.
 Look forward to hearing more from you all and reading your Blogs.


  1. Congratulations on the completion of the Challenge,
    also a great reflection post.


  2. Thank you for being a part of the A to Z experience. We keep trying to improve the list and you make a good point about the photography blogs. Someday we'll get this honed to a science, but in the meantime I'll add your suggestion about photography blog.

    Congratulations on making it to the end.

    An A to Z Co-Host
    Tossing It Out

    1. Thank you I'm looking forward to the next challenge.

  3. Thanks for the shout-out.

    I appreciate the blog recommendations. I'll definitely check them out!

    1. Your welcome, I love reading yours they make me smile

  4. I enjoyed checking in your daily photo. Maybe I should start a photography blog as well? Don't think that I have time to maintain two blogs though :)


  5. And thank you for the mention too :)


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