
Monday 15 April 2013

M is for Mini

I can't do this challenge with out giving the Mini a mention probably the greatest British Car which became an Icon of the Motoring industry.
 This was the first Mini I owned I was 19 in the photo, the car taught me a lot about mechanics on one and a few years later I spent two years as a racing mechanic on
this car which was quite successful but things changed and I  went on to different things.
Helping out with this one while I built my own car.
Which was a very modified 1275GT But I got married and the car went though I my wife had a standard mini that she drove about and our kids grew up with them. Eventually she bought a new car and I had the old mini saying I was going to restore it.
I started in 1997 and what stared out as a small project ended up a marathon as it took four years. The car I ended up with was a far cry from the standard  one it began as with highly modified engine suspension and brakes. I owned the car for just over 20 years but sold it as I felt I would either get banned or kill myself in it. But Mini's still hold a special place for me.
The video below is my old mini being road tested on a rolling road, beware it is noisy but if you don't mind it the turn up the sound.

Taking Part in Blogging from A to Z


  1. Sorry but I just can't understand obsessions with cars (don't get angry..after all I am a blonde). As long as a car is reliable and will get me from point A to point B, and has decent boot space, then I am happy!

    1. It's a bloke thing but you have nutters like me down there as well. Now I'm quite happy to go from A to B and not have to get my hands dirty.

  2. I don't think it's just a bloke thing at all, I love my mini. My husband also built me a mini clubman estate with a 999 Cooper S engine, then went to a 1380 tuned engine - it was scary - I loved that little car!

    1. Ooow bored out 970 engine that would be a screamer. The yellow mini was 1380 with 100bhp at the wheels. Scary yes that's why I sold it it was one big adrenalin rush from the moment you got in to when you got out.
      Oh yes the white GT had a 1310 Cooper S engine in it.

  3. Ooh, that is the type of car that I love. They have some identity - which most modern cars don't.


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