
Monday 29 June 2020

Another week in the Garden

Back in the garden this week and some more news on how everything is growing I'm pleased to say that most things are growing well 

In the greenhouse the plants are looking very good

The Aubergine have grown well with shoots now showing on the stem which may be fruit. The tomatoes continue to grow 
Growing really well these large Tomatoes 

Carrots grow well

And courgett's (Zucchini) seem to have little fruit showing 
 We have already cut on Cucumber which was really tasty now another tow are about ready to harvest, this is one of them

The Chillies have started to flower as well

More new carrots sprouting

More salad leaves grow in a trough  the on in the foreground has been sewn  with spring onions seeds
 This is American Land Cress and tastes like watercress, nice & spicy
 This is what I was pleased to see Runner beans growing up the canes

Leeks grow well and I have planted Lettuce, spring onions and carrots between the rows 

Back of the greenhouse has tomatoes growing
 With little tomatoes growing
More courgett's (Zucchini) and you can see the little fruit. I have been up to other things as well like making blinds for the greenhouse, I show how in another blog and making a large trough fro the carrots you see in the seed trays.

I will leave you with a Rose that grows by the back door.
Have a safe week
Taking Part in Our World Tuesday

Saturday 27 June 2020

St Michael and All Angels Kerry

This week the Church Explorer takes to to St Michael & All Angels Kerry in Wales where back in 2012 I went to find the grave of a war Hero who is remembered every year in a ceremony in Wallingford. To find out more please follow the link

Thursday 25 June 2020

The Helicopter

A couple of weeks or so ago I showed some of the helicopters that fly over our house. There are more including an Apache attack helicopter that I see but evades me.  A little like this Air Ambulance I see flying past every so often. Last Saturday It seemed to be flying around in a circle, I thought it was the police one which does that often but when I looked I saw it was red  
 So grabbing my Compact I starting getting some photos
 It was certainly circling
and after getting this shot I knew where it was going to land. Just across the road from me in the recreation ground
I quickly ran over there to find half the village had turned out. Quite an occasion seeing a helicopter in the park. Seen one at the school once but the park no. If you look under the helicopter you can see the paramedics legs The pilot has turned the engine off and is going to get out. Just after this the medics walked off out of the park somewhere.

An hour or so later I hear it start up again and went out the front with my Iphone. I had a shot at a Red Kite not bad considering it's 10x zoom

Then I noticed the Helicopter rising above the trees around the park

and off it flew

Back to base which could have been RAF Benson which is where that one and another from Southampton are based

. I found the medics were on a training exercise and as it had a full crew were asked if the could attend some one  in difficulty in the village about half a mile away. This was the nearest place to land. I did not hear if the person was lifted to Hospital. 
There you go a lot of excitement in the village for a change.
Taking Part in Skywatch Friday

Monday 22 June 2020

The Bullshole

Before I start and show you this I thought I would let you know the garden is doing OK, I now have runner beans again growing up the canes. The peas have pods on and the dwarf beans have flowers.
In the greenhouse are cumbers growing which will be ready to pick in a week or so, quite a few of the tomatoes have fruit on them and we even pulled a couple of little carrots to check them out, I have now started off another crop to harvest later in the year. I will show what has been happening again next week
This week I am going to take you on a walk to one of my old childhood haunts which is called like the name suggests the Bullshole.

I would say 90% of the people in the village know where the Bullshole is which is along this path at the end of Sand Lane in Cholsey. The lane through a housing estate was a footpath trough a field when I was a kid

When you get here you are nearing your destination. The wooden footbridge on the right was added in recent times because as a kit it  was never there and the place where the footbridge takes you to was a field with cattle in 

On the far side of the entrance you saw in the photo above,( It's a rail bridge) you turn right by another barrier and come out here in this field
Which looks like this when you get further in, the Bullshole is in those trees you see. All this was short cropped crass and a few shrubs when I was young because cattle grazed here and kept it short and the shrubs were trampled or eaten. This is the result of years of neglect as they got rid of the cattle years ago.

As you approach the bullshole which is a bug pool froma stream that runs though the place you see a lot of growth

But over to the right it does not look so good. The water that used to run through here has gone

When I was a kit all this was full of water and there were not willows growing here. Over the years it has become silted up with mud and dead leaves. In the winter water does collect here but as the winter draws out it dries up. There are other reasons for it and if you wish to find out more then click on the link to the Bullshole which will take you to along blog of mine which shows more and gives an explination as to what happened.
Back in the garden next week, Stay Safe
Taking Part in Our World Tuesday

Saturday 20 June 2020

St Mary Magdalene Shippon

The first church I ventured out to visit is St Mary Magdalene Shippon which is just outside Abingdon by the Airfield. I did not realise the church was there until I noticed it on the map. The church was built around the mid 1800's and is quite a pretty little one. No photos inside as it is usually locked though at the you can find it open for prayer between 12 & 1pm. Some interesting tombs in the churchyard.

Thursday 18 June 2020


If there is one thing I could always be sure of during this lock down it was seeing a blue sky and clouds. Taking photos of clouds is rewarding with the wonderful shapes you can see.

Sort of cuttlefish or may be some one running fast

 not sure but  vapour of a plane wing. Might be stretching that one

Above back to the cuttlefish or was it a dolphin.

Missed the plane that left this one

Going with a humming bird

A feather floating in the sky
And out little feathered friend on next doors roof
Happy Skywatch